Tune Into The Future

Posted in 2024, Documentary, Featured, September 2024 on May 31st, 2024

Tune Into The Future explores how thinking about tomorrow became a pop-culture phenomenon called Science Fiction. Despite rich and varied origins, there is one name which can be credited with single-handedly shaping the way we understand science fiction today as a genre. It was Hugo Gernsback who stuck his hand into the soup of early 20th century pulp literature and fished out science fiction – giving it its name and a clear definition, turning it into a genre that anyone could engage with. His goal was to inspire and to stimulate young minds into speculating about how science would shape our future and to come up with tomorrow’s new inventions. In the process, he created science fiction. The fan community
growing around the genre turns science fiction into a cultural movement and keeps it in constant evolution, each generation adapting it to current scientific progress, but also to the hopes and fears of its time. Guided by authors, historians, filmmakers, astronomers and rocket scientists, Tune Into The Future weaves together interviews, animation and pop-culture references to take the viewer on a journey to witness this evolution. But also to discover that the way we tell stories about tomorrow really reveals more about ourselves today than about the future.

Genre: Documentary
Rights: Worldwide
R/T: 80
Rating: NR
Director: Eric Schockmel
Writers: Eric Schockmel
Language: English